The blog was on hiatus due to the Olympics, but now we are back in full effect!
Last weekend I was driving home from a night out with a few friends, I was driving on the same highway which I always drive on- but something caught my eye. A very popular exit was barricaded and motorists wanting to exit were forced to stay on the highway and continue driving; "how frustrating" I thought to myself, "glad that's not my exit!"
A few seconds later, something came to mind- what's my exit? No, not on the actual highway- I'm talking about CML Boulevard. Aren't we CML patients driving on a road with no exit in sight? I've been on this route for more than 3 years, I can't even get to a rest stop! It seems that when all of us start out on this journey we are sent out on a common route, all of us CMLers are put out onto Interstate Imatinib.
Yep, the toll to get onto Interstate Imatinib is a pricey one- $3500/mth.....for that price I expect paved roads, yet for some reason this route makes me feel nauseous.
Does it really make sense to put all patients on the same route? I mean what if I can't drive on Interstate Imatinib and I always have to pull over because the road sickness is making it impossible for me to refuel? Why don't the "powers that be" start some of us out on the Sprycel Speedway? I mean, with the advancement in research- it is very feasible for your doctor to look under your hood and determine what would be the optimal avenue for you to take.
When in doubt, I always use my GPS- this nifty device always seems to tell me the fastest route between point A and point B, it even takes into account traffic and weather. What is the quickest way to get from Point A (diagnosis) to Point B (cure) on CML Boulevard? How have some of us been on this drive for over 12 years?
What if the "powers that be" who are conducting traffic on the CML Circuit are plugging into a GPS of their own? The Greedy Profit System.
If you subscribe to the GPS school of thought (I'm not saying you should, but it is one way of observing traffic) the roadways CMLers are traveling on would no longer be maintained and policed by the government, instead these roads would be controlled by private funding.
The goal of the private road keepers would be to maximize traffic and make serious profits at the toll booths. Road owners would want everyone driving on their specific route- sweet deal isn't it? Imagine running a super long private road where motorists are paying per mile to reach destination unknown- $$$.
The biggest problem on this road system would be that; toll keepers, police, highway patrol........everyone would be getting paid privately. What would happen if motorists- one by one- got off this highway? The road would be less used, toll booths would no longer be filling up, less highway patrol would be required- police officers wouldn't be writing as many tickets......slowly the private road keeper would be put out of business and CML Boulevard would be a cold deserted street.
Sad reality is, CML Boulevard is jam packed with bumper to bumper traffic. Traffic lights aren't changing colors, engines are overheating, the price of gas is going up and if you want to find a specialized mechanic to check you out- good luck!
I'm going for a cruise on Pegylated Parkway tomorrow..........
I say we all start testing the speed limit and make a run for the Autoban.